Nevada City Mardi Gras 2012, Page 2 of 2
February 19, 2012

©2012 Herbert E. Lindberg

Continuing with the Boozefighters...

Almost everyone was throwing beads.

Another close up. Look at those arms full of beads.

Ready to throw another

Beginning of a vast group of bikers

He had just thrown a string of beads.

...and throws two more.

A very happy group

A bit of the crowd that lined Broad Street on both sides, from Bennett St. to the National Hotel many blocks down the hill.

Nevada City Winery is ready for the soapbox derby.

Bikers kept coming.

Two more, well masked

What's a parade without a huge paper mâché man?

The Occupy movement is big in Nevada City, but without all the violence.

The sign reads, "We're all in the same boat."


This guy gets my vote for simple but very clever ...
his umbrella, tie, coat, and a newspaper are all blowing in the "wind" as he struggles down the street.


Young singers


Best shot I could get sans video photographer who walked behind this float.


A Royal Beauty


A smiling girl with the most beads


This Nevada City couple was having coffee at Craig's favorite spot and kindly posed for this shot.


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