Re-visit to Julie's Apartment
Carmichael, CA
Taken May 1, posted May 10, 2009

Julie is a bit more settled into her studio apartment in Carmichael (next to Sacra- mento) so Mary and I decided to pay another visit. The pictures below start in her bedroom area, pan around to the living area and then to the kitchen, followed by interest shots here and there. 
The bedroom area, with computer table now in foreground

Another angle shows this better.

This is my (Herb) Mom's and Pa's bedroom dresser, which I believe they bought shortly after their marriage and lived in Guinn, Michigan (circa 1921). I remember it as a small child when it was in their bedroom at 3149 S. Karlov in Chicago. This is our most precious family heirloom.

I turned around to the opposite direction to take this picture of another dresser (bought bare wood and finished by me when Julie was a small child) and the corner of the living area. Note that Julie has sorted out all the things that were stacked here and are now neatly stored in the closet at right.

Turn a bit more to view the living area. Julie found this nice round table in the trash in Carmichael.

Mary and I bought the sewing table in the foreground shortly after we moved from Stanford to Redondo Beach in 1957.

Julie gets ready to make a nice lunch for us -- fresh French bread sandwiches, yummy!

Another view, which includes dog Harley on the living room sofa.

Another view of the living area. I assembled the armoire to use in our first house in Lake Wildwood. It now nicely houses Julie's flat-screen LCD TV, which we bought with half the $1000 employee family discount we got on our 2008 Prius, purchased from Enterprise Car Rental where Julie works (we split the savings).

Mary relaxes after lunch.

Julie next to a few of her trinkets

Huge oak viewed from the apartment window

Another view from the same (only) window
Garden area, outside below the window: Julie planted all the flowers you see.

Dog Harley, Julie, and Mary at the front door

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