Pop's Oral History, Tape 1b

Tapes by Gus Pagels, circa 1980
Posted September 15, 2010
© 2010, Herbert E. Lindberg

Tape 1a -- Leaves Berlin at 14
Tape 1b -- Begins railroad hobo trip west across U.S.
Tape 2a -- Gets to San Bernardino and Los Angeles
Tape 2b -- First stay in Santa Barbara, working at Ott's hardware
Tape 3a -- Back east in New York, Key West, then Georgia, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Flint Michigan
Tape 3b -- Returns to Germany, Marries Mom, returns to U.S., builds house in Sacramento
Tape 4   -- Gus, Otto and Harry born in Sacramento, buys first car: 1919 Buick

Return to Old Pagels Hub

            Tape 1b (23 minutes)   [Right click to download the tape]

a.       Funny episode with girls.  Trenton N.J., hops train west, hides in sewer pipe when cops check train for bums.

b.      Trenton, PA, Chicago: hobo on southern rail route to California (Rock Island line – now the Southern Pacific), shoveled coal from coal car to boiler man. Stops to work as dishwasher, clean chickens; meals were 25 cents for full dinner, salary $20/month Stops in Liberal, Kansas from fall to next year (1911).

c.       Takes wrong track, winds up in El Paso, Texas, then on to Pancho Villa’s camp in Chihuahua, Mexico, walking along the track. They gave him frijoles and beans and escorted him in a railroad hand car pumped back to the border.

d.      Benton, AZ: chops wood for meals.  Gets kicked off trains.

e.      Tucson, AZ: dishwasher. Picked up by cops while bumming on railroad cars, works on sewer line during 5 days in prison.

f.        Goes on to Phoenix, which was a cow town – dirt streets, no wood sidewalks. Had been told he’d have a better chance of catching trains by going through Tucson and Phoenix.


Location of Mt. Vernon and New York

Box car -- Pop's favored mode of transportation

Yards like this (but in previous years) were Pop's railroad stations.

Pop's home from October through January
He later came back and went to high school there.

Fields of Liberal, Kansas

Dust storm approaches Liberal, Kansas.

Steam engine, coal car, and passenger cars. Shoveling from the coal car to the boiler man led to Pop's living in Liberal.

Similar steam engine and coal car, side view

When not hopping rides on a train, Pop walked.

Pancho Villa

Movie version

Pancho arranged hand car to get back to the border.

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