Sierra Express Racing Team
2006 Nevada City Bicycle Classic

Photos taken June 18, 2006
© 2006, Herbert E. Lindberg
Unlimited use by SERT members and The Union Newspaper permitted

This is the first of five Web pages of photos of Sierra Express Racing Team Members taken during the 2006 Nevada City Bicycle Classic.  For now, the captions are simply the photo file number, location on the course, and time to the closest minute at which the photo was taken.  Most photos are at full-screen size (1024x768 pixels) to allow flexibility for future use by SERT members and The Union newspaper.  Set your browser at full-screen display (F11 in Internet Explorer) and close optional windows such as the Explorer Bar so you can see as much of the picture as possible without scrolling.  These pictures are intended to be downloaded by SERT members and The Union newspaper staff (right click, select "Save picture as..." and navigate to a folder of your choice).

All pictures are of the Masters 35+/45+ race, which began at 2:10 p.m. to the closest minute.

Img_6317, York Street, 2:25 p.m.  Ray Arata

Img_6324, Pine at York, 2:29 p.m.   Craig Lindberg

Img_6324, Pine at York, 2:29 p.m.   Craig Lindberg

Img_6325, Pine at York, 2:29 p.m.   Chuck Ross

Img_6329. Pine at York, 2:32 p.m.   Peter Krogh

Img_6330, Pine at York, 2:32 p.m.   John Seivert

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