2008 Living History and Art Show
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Herb Lindberg

Part 2 of 4

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Part 1.  Show entry, Jerry Murphy, Jerry Hall, Claus Sievert, Monique Hanson, Tricia Burbank.
Part 2*.  Art raffle, Marilyn Rose, Sandra DeLong, Beth Donnelly, Jane Welles, Odette Brush.
Part 3.  Trudy Hayden, Susan Barry, Park Living History activities.
Part 4.  Celtic Duo music, David McKay, artist group photo, wagon rides, blacksmith, activities.

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Diane Martin checks raffle sales with George Case

Guests inspect the donated art works to decide where to put their raffle tickets (which paper sack).

Marilyn Rose demonstrates plein aire painting.

So far so good

She demonstrates a steady hand and good eye for composition and colors, as other guests tour Wood's bridge

Left to right: guest, Penelope Partch, Jane Welles, and Susan Michalski take a moment's rest from their boothes.

Guests continue to arrive throughout the event.

A history player enjoys the art.

Ken King of Lake Wildwood says hello.

Sandra DeLong and Beth Donnelly enjoy the day as guests enjoy their art.

Paintings in Jane Welles' booth

Closer view of a few of Jane Welles' paintings (scroll to see entire photo)

Artist Odette Brush and a guest in blue

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