Christmas 2006 in Lake Wildwood
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December 27, 2006
Posted January 14, 2007

Maddie and Courtney dig in.

Nik gets a DVD from his wish list

Dave takes a turn with Lily.

Maddie gets more origami, and Courtney a fancy T shirt.

Dave and Nik try on Mary's favorite gift this year: zip-up vest sweaters with high collars.

Maddie and Andy relax in part of the aftermath.

Another oblicatory aftermath picture.  Dave uses his portable computer with the new wireless router
that he installed from my broadband Internet connection on my computer.

Maddie identifies birds for Grandpa as he admires the beautiful calendar created by Barbara,
with bird pictures by Maddie and scenic shots by Barbara.
Note that I'm wearing my new zipper vest sweater from Mary.  It's my new favorite.

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