
Master Web Page for Photo Albums of
Dorothy Myrtle Slack and Albin Ednar Lindberg
Latest update: March 31, 2018

This is the home page for access to all the photos in this collection. Four access methods are provided. The first is the table below, which simply provides links to each Web page in each album. The physical album pages in each Web page are given as part of the link title. Photos in each album are in roughly chron-ological order, but there is some jumping ahead and back because Dot often pasted pictures into the albums as she found them. Larue assigned numbers to the albums in the order of priority of perceived family interest, in the event that she didn't finish her annotations. The chronological order of the albums is 4, 3, 1, 2, as you see by the approximate dates given in the second row of the table.

The second access method is via links from a family tree, in which links to the most representative pictures of each person are given for each family member. The third method is via links to vignettes composed by Larue and Bert (a.k.a. Herb) and inserted at appropriate spots among the photos. The fourth and final access method is via dates and verbal descriptions of the events of the photos on each Web page. This method is useful after you've gone through the pictures and are going back to find particular pictures.


Album 1

Album 2

Album 3 Album 4

1918 - 1939

1939 - 1955

1916 - 1918 1912 - 1915

Pt 1 -- pp 1-4

Pt 1 -- pp 1-4 Pt 1 -- pp 1-10 Pt 1 -- pp 1-5
Pt 2 -- pp 5-8 Pt 2 -- pp 5-8 Pt 2 -- pp 11-18 Pt 2 -- pp 6-10
Pt 3 -- pp 9-12 Pt 3 -- pp 9-12 Pt 3 -- pp 20-33 Pt 3 -- pp 11-15
Pt 4 -- pp 13-16 Pt 4 -- pp 13-16 Pt 4 -- pp 34-44 Pt 4 -- pp 16-20
Pt 5 -- pp 17-20 Pt 5 -- pp 17-22 Pt 5 -- pp 45-53 Pt 5 -- pp 21-27
Pt 6 -- pp 21-24 Pt 6 -- pp 23-26 Pt 6 -- pp 51-58 Pt 6 -- pp 28-34
Pt 7 -- pp 25-28 Pt 7 -- pp 27-28 Pt 7 -- pp 60-72 Pt 7 -- pp 35-38b
Pt 8 -- pp 29-32 Pt 8 -- pp 29-32 Pt 8 -- pp 73-88 Pt 8 -- pp 39-44
Pt 9 -- pp 33-36 Pt 9 -- pp 33-36 Pt 9 -- pp 89-97 Pt 9 -- pp 45-50
Pt 10 -- pp 37-40 Pt 10 -- pp 37-40 Pt 10 -- pp 99-108  
Pt 11 -- pp 41-44 Pt 11 -- pp 41-44 Pt 11 -- pp 109-118  
Pt 12 -- pp 45-48 Pt 12 -- pp 45-48 Pt 12 -- pp 118-128  
Pt 13 -- pp 49-52 Pt 13 -- pp 49-52 Pt 13 -- pp 129-135  
Pt 14 -- pp 53-56 Pt 14 -- pp 53-58 Pt 14 -- pp 136-145  


Dot is on the left with her best friends Agnes Vogel (center) and Edna Cullison (right). They met at the Crawford Congregational Church on Keeler Avenue at the 26th Street alley in Chicago, which was the center of their lives for many years and Dot's until she moved to Palatine in about 1958.  Agnes married Dot's brother Bert and Edna married her brother Ernest, so both were our aunts when we came along.

Additional material added to this version:
    Herb and Mary Lindberg Web Site
    Virtual Tour of  Their Home

Background of this Photo Archive

As most of you know, Larue Lindberg Prate has cared for Mom and Pa Lindberg's photo albums since their deaths at 85 and 86 years in 1981. (Dorothy Myrtle Slack Lindberg and Albin Ednar Lindberg, known as Dot and Ed to their contemporaries and Grandma and so on to their larger family.) In 1997 Larue began writing notes about who was in each picture and memories the pictures recalled, based on her experiences and many conversations about the family with Mom and Pa. In 2002, Bert's (Herbert Ednar Lindberg) daughter Barbara Lindberg Heninger made a trip to Larue's home in Guadalupe, CA, to pick up four of the albums and associated notes so she could scan them into computer files that each family member could own and enjoy. 

In 2003 this task fell to Bert, who has the necessary equipment and time available at his retirement home with wife Mary (Mary Mildred Pagels Lindberg) in Lake Wildwood, California. Bob (Robert Lindberg) has cared for the multitude of slides and negatives accumulated by Dot and Ed, and Larue has two more photo albums she is annotating. We're sure Don (Donald Ernest Lindberg) and family have more first-generation photos. We hope at some point all of this material can be put into electronically distributable form for the entire family and its descendants to enjoy and enrich their lives.

Update note: Since the first draft of this web, Don Lindberg died in his daughter Judy's (Bijan and Judy Eftekhar's) home in Santa Monica, CA on February 16, 2005, and Bob Lindberg died in his daughter Susanne's (Dennis and Susanne White's) home in Aurora, IL on September 29, 2006). Larue Prate died near her granddaughter's home in Logan, Utah at 8:15 pm on July 15, 2016.

At present, these Web-based albums are therefore largely the product of Dot and Ed's children Larue and Bert. Here's a fairly recent photo, taken at Larue's Guadalupe cottage during a visit by Bert and Mary in September 2000. Note that Bert has his ever-handy pen clipped to his shirt.

The next photo, below, was taken of Larue by a neighbor in the dining area of her home in the Spring of 2005 in the position she occupied for many months as she wrote captions for Dot's albums. In addition to the albums, Larue is surrounded by several other family archives. The plates on the wall behind her were given to Dot by her mother, Grandma Slack. They are not fine china but are pretty and have been in the family for a hundred years. The painting of the pitcher on the wall was done by Larue in about 1960, and the little sampler under that was stitched by Larue for her granddaughter Niki in about 1993.

The lamp on the table belonged to the Lindberg grandparents, John and Hedvig. Grandma gave the lamp to Larue, which she accepted very thankfully. Pa gave Larue what-for for accepting the lamp without consulting his siblings. It was okay with Pa for Larue to have the lamp, but maybe not with his six siblings. Larue wrote to them all, asking if she could have the lamp, and all sent letters saying it was alright and each wrote a memory they had of growing up with it on their dining room table. They did homework by its light. Larue says she could kick herself from here to Kingdom come for not saving those letters.

The lamp is at least one hundred years old. Originally it was the pressure pump mantle type of oil lamp. Grandpa, being the modern man that he was, took out the mantle works and converted the lamp to electricity. After it had years of use in this form it was put into the corner of an attic closet for a long time. This was probably done when Grandma and Grandpa had the dining room remodeled, which included a ceiling fixture.

Before getting on to Dot's photos, there are two more significant modern-day pictures, both taken by Don's daughter Debbie (Lindberg) Preece near the end of May, 2005. She was visiting Chicago and took some time to drive along Karlov Avenue to look at the old 3149 homestead. It had been resurrected from the slum house it had become in the 70's through the 90's and looks quite presentable, if forbidding with 6-foot iron fences. Compare these pictures with those from the Slack-Lindberg era (for example 2_06_08).

3149 Front View, May 2005

3149 Side Yard

Here are links to later pictures on Google Earth as of June 2018: Picture 1, Picture 2.

Back to Dot's photos with Larue's captions and anecdotes
, edited to this format and extended with additional memories by Bert. Larue has numbered the albums, pages in the albums, and photos on each page. She used these as references in her hand written notes on loose-leaf lined paper. Album 1 has 23 sheets of notes (45 pages). Bert therefore assigned photo file numbers accordingly: 1_01_01 means album 1, page 1, photo 1. Apparently, Dot often pasted pictures into the albums as she found them, so many jump backward and forward in time.

As of this writing Larue has finished the main four albums. She also did Album 5, but it is very repetitious of pictures in the main four albums and not included here. This Web-based rendition includes all the photos from the main four albums and fits onto one CD along with other material prepared by Bert.  Each album is presented here as a series of Web pages (parts), each comprising about 12 photos from several album pages. Albums 1, 2 and 3 each have 14 parts and Album 4 has 9 parts. You can jump to any part of all four albums by clicking on the entries in the above master table -- this page is the hub for the 4-album photo collection. In addition, a few street maps that include most of the places mentioned in the photo captions have been placed in a Web page with links from the photo pages as appropriate. Map link buttons look, and respond, like this: link to map, and will jump to the map associated with the text. Once on the map page you can scroll to other maps as desired. Click the "Back" arrow of your browser to return to the albums.

When you want to just jump from one picture to the next, without scrolling down for captions and vignettes, you can simply view the pictures with any photo viewing software on your computer. The photos are in folders Album 1, Album 2 and so on.

Herb (Bert) Lindberg, June 2005
Updated again November 7, 2006
(mainly to update related material, such as Herb's website, and add ProShow videos)


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: old photos

Dear Lana,
I'm a bit late with this reply because we were on a trip to see my wife Mary's remaining brother Harry in Bellingham, WA, and also the wedding of our grandniece Solara McFarland in Portland, OR.
Glad you enjoyed my mother's photo album which I posted on the Internet along with captions by my sister Larue and me.  I'm even more pleased that you passed them on to other members of the family.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2013 1:01 PM
Subject: old photos

To the Lindberg family --
My name is Lana Ornell Velasquez, and I am the daughter of Gwen Grandchamp Ornell.  My grandmother was Astrid Lindberg Grandchamp, and I found the old photos Larue had posted on the internet.  It was a delight to go over old photos of people I had heard about, and I gave my mother the link so she could see them, as well.  My mother is now 86 and the only one of her family still living.  My father is 86, and they just celebrated heir 65th anniversary in February this year.
Thank you for sharing the old pictures.  It really helps make history come alive.  I live in Amarillo, Texas.  I am a retired school teacher.
God bless you.